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| Главная » 2013 » Март » 22 » When a Woman dances...
When a Woman dances... | 11:40 |
When a Woman dances, full of pride in herself, her right to be there, to be a woman,
To command our respectful attention, moving her body for her own enjoyment, revelling in her power & beauty & ability,
Dancing for all the womyn who love the dance, and for those who cannot, for whatever reason, dance,
For those who yearn and crave to see womyn empowered, standing up and showing their Shining Selves for all the world to see . . .
When a womon thus dances, she invokes the Sacred.
There is awe, and wonder and gratitude
in those who have been gifted with her Dance
and the Goddess Herself smiles, and cheers!
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